
On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 02:23:32PM -0800, Dan Allen wrote : 
> I know that we are past the freeze date for PHP_4_2_0 but I hope that you can find 
>an exception for this case.  Recently the DOM XML interface has received a great deal 
>of attention from the developers and for this reason has moved much closer to 
>completeness.  After doing a fair amount of testing on it I have found it to be very 
>stable and quite reliable.  The version that is going to "ship"
> with 4.2.0 is more or less complete for the average user.  However, there is one 
>major hole that I
> just don't see how you can allow to slip past.  Up until about 3 days ago, the 
>function remove_attribute() had not yet been implemented.  From what I can tell, it 
>was simply overlooked and of all the functions that are still not implemented, it is 
>by far the most important, since it blocks a very fundamental usage of the module, 
>one surely everyone using it will need.  It is currently implemented but missed the 
>4_2_0 branch.
> On top of that argument, I just finished and submitted an entire PEAR interface to 
>act as a frontend for the DOM XML/XPATH module and this one missing function is going 
>to put off the usefullness of it for yet another release.  Please find it in your 
>programming hearts to allow remove_attribute() to make it into 4_2_0.
> Thanks,
> Dan Allen
> -- 
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