S.Murali Krishna wrote:
> Hi,
>       As I told in my Previous Post that I have added a feauture in PHP
> which is similar to AUTOLOAD feauture in Perl Modules. 
>       I had sent a unified diff output along with this.
>       According to that if a user tried to call a undefined function,
> PHP Zend Engine would search for a function named '__autoload' in current
> scope, if it finds one, it would set the global variable 
> $php_undef_func_name  
> with name of the called function and call the __autoload()  function with
> passed arguments.
>       Its working fine for me. If it seems to be good, we could discuss
> on this. 

please have a look at the callback mechanism for unserialize()
( http://php.net/unserialize ) and try to follow the scheme already
implemented for including files for undefined classes on demand

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.six.de  +49-711-99091-77

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