Lukas Smith wrote:
> I would disagree there. A query builder could do a lot 
> of stuff much nicer than a DB abstraction layer could 
> do. A query builder could make much better use of 
> RDBMS specific features than a DB abstraction layer
> could. A query builder can build the query from 
> "scratch" with all given information whereas a DB 
> abstraction layer (unless it parses the actual
> query) is fairly limited. For example think queries 
> that should work for relational and non relational 
> databases for example.

This is what Apple Webobjects use:

This is how it looks like:

This is what Sun puts against Apple Webobjects:,2348,all-873-99,00.html

They even offer a transitional tool that converts Apple EOF
into Sun ROF models.

I once hacked together a quick study of a ER model representation
and SQL generator in the days of PHP3. It was very slow due to
object creation overhead: The ER model and access layer
abstration use a great number of objects, most of which are only
fired once or twice on a page. 

Using this to model abstract access to a database was not paying
off within the deployment model of PHP. I stayed with DB_MySQL in
PHPLIB and later ranted about the necessity of an Application
server and truly persistent objects on this list. :-)


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