Zeev Suraski wrote:

> This should really be implemented 100% in compile time, if you touch 
> zend_execute.c, BUZZ :)
> Anyway, incidentally, Jani implemented this very patch a few days 
> ago.  We'll probably import it within a couple of days after we verify 
> that it doesn't cause any gotcha's...
> Zeev 

As we chatted breifly on IRC,- Jani's patch implemented __FUNCTION__ and 
__CLASS__ as compile time values, hence in the example below they would 
return "base_class::test", and not extended_class::test

class extended_class extends base_class { }

class base_class {
   function test() {
       echo __FUNCTION__ "::" __CLASS__;

while this is also very usefull, the real desire/need I had was to get 
the 'called' class name (some examples of usage are below), which is a 
bit more complex to retreive: - as it is part of the calling scope of 
zend_execute, but not currently passed down to the running scope...

The implementation of this 'feature' does raise a few issue - should it 
be a constant, function call or a variable?

Constant: __THIS__
Unlike all other magic constants, like __FILE__,_LINE__ etc. it is not 
possible (AFAICS) to 'set' the value at compile time. - hence the rather 
chessy hack to the Constant callback on the execute loop. - The more I 
look at this the worse it looks :)

Function call: class_get_name() or class_get_called_name();
The present implemenation tagged extra information onto the function 
call (a pointer to the classname), I attepted to use a function call, 
this would involve adding an additional item to exectute globals eg. 
EG(active_class_name), and setting and unsetting,  before after each 
function call.

Variable: $_THIS or $THIS  or $__THIS__
This would involve pretty much replicating the current ZE1 code that 
creates '$this' and do something like if EX(called_class_name) ... make 
it as a zval in the called method's scope.
Considering this would __only__ happen on static method calls, and the 
size of the 'Class Name' is not normally Huge..., I think the very minor 
performance hit of creating this on static calls would be worth it..... 
and is simple to implement as well.
(This is my favourite candidate at present :)
The last option does not alter any key 'structures', which I found broke 
the ZendAPI, causeing some zend extensions to segfault  :)

-------Ok some code that uses it

class database_tools {
    /* the normal 'get' method */

    function &static_get($k,$v=NULL) {
        $obj = new $__THIS__;
        return $obj;

    function get($k,$v=NULL) {
        if ($v === NULL) {
            $v = $k;
            $keys = $this->_get_keys();
            $k = $keys[0];
        $this->$k = $v;
class db_users extends database_tools {
    var $_table = "person";
    function get($k,$v) {
        $this->$k = $v;
        if ($k = "firstname_letter");
        $this->where_add("firstname like '$v%'");
class db_classrooms extends database_tools {
    var $_table = "classrooms";

--- and the calling code examples...

$classroom = db_classrooms::static_get("number",12304);
$person    = db_users::static_get(123);
$person    = db_users::static_get("email","[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
$person    = db_users::static_get("firstname_letter","a"); /

-- only way to do something similar without $__THIS__
$classroom = database_tools::static_get("db_classrooms","number",12304);
$person    = database_tools::static_get("db_users",123);
$person    = database_tools::static_get("db_users","email","[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
$person    = database_tools::static_get("db_users","firstname_letter","a");

apart from the 'slightly shorter' naming :), the first example reads 
alot better.. - eg. I'm asking the users object for item 123..

whereas the database_tools is supposed to be a 'utility class' not an 
publically visable 'interface class'

that whole code could be simplified again if the get method knew it was 
being called statically.. and could call it'self!

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