>     The big question is: how would You (Philip,Yasuo) want list
>     to behave when it encounters a hash? Do you want to get the
>     keys ? Or the values? Or do you want to get the hashed
>     element on its own again as key => value ?

My opinion is:
  $foo = array('a' => 'apple', 'b' => 'banana');
  list($a,$b) = $foo;
  print $a; // apple
  print $b; // banana

This would be consistant with how list works with 
numerical arrays.  It gets the values, not the keys.

>     No, I don't think it's a good idea. That is why we have
>     array_(keys|values), it makes the code readable and it's easy
>     to understand.

This is understandable but list() works on values, it does 
this for one type of array but not another.
>     For me, it would make most sense to have the following:
>         list($a, $b) = array('a' => 'apple', b => 'beer');
>         var_dump($a);
>         array(1) {
>           ["a"]=>
>             string(5) "apple"
>         }
>     I don't think many would share _this_ behaviour.
>     All in all I think this would get too ambiguous if we would
>     change the behaviour. Unless someone comes with really
>     intuitive and useable I examples I don't think it should
>     change at all (the list construct).

Aside from saying it works on values for numerical arrays 
I can't say much else.  That is intuitive and consistant 
to me, not ambiguous.  


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