Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>   Win32, Apache 2.0.36-dev, PHP 4.3.0-dev (both current CVS)

  The crash seems to be gone now.

  However, the following compiler warnings remain:

c:\Apache2\include\apr.h(334): warning C4142:
benign redefinition of type

c:\home\php\php4\sapi\apache2filter\sapi_apache2.c(121): warning C4018:
'<': signed/unsigned mismatch

c:\Apache2\include\apr.h(334): warning C4142:
benign redefinition of type

c:\home\php\php4\sapi\apache2filter\php_functions.c(91): warning C4244:
'function': conversion from 'apr_time_t' to 'long',
possible loss of data

c:\home\php\php4\sapi\apache2filter\php_functions.c(92): warning C4244:
'function': conversion from 'apr_off_t' to 'long',
possible loss of data

  Sebastian Bergmann       

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