Title: [PATCH] bug 12655: datetime format in mssql extension

The 4.1.2 (and before) mssql entension returns datetime fields as a locale specific format eg:  Oct 30 2001  7:44PM,  which doesn't allow access to the seconds or milliseconds field of datetime.  I patched my copy of mssql to have a php.ini entry mssql.longdatetime which tells mssql to return datetime in the long format: eg: 2001-10-30 19:44:54.206.   99% of the changes are in php_mssql.c with php_mssql.h just needing a variable added to it.  Diff of php4.1.2 php_mssql.c => my patch ver

< static void php_mssql_get_column_content_with_type(mssql_link *mssql_ptr,int offset,zval *result, int column_type);
< static void php_mssql_get_column_content_without_type(mssql_link *mssql_ptr,int offset,zval *result, int column_type);

> static void php_mssql_get_column_content_with_type(mssql_link *mssql_ptr,int offset,zval *result, int column_type,long longdatetime);

> static void php_mssql_get_column_content_without_type(mssql_link *mssql_ptr,int offset,zval *result, int column_type,long longdatetime);

>       STD_PHP_INI_BOOLEAN("mssql.longdatetime",                       "0",    PHP_INI_ALL,    OnUpdateBool,   longdatetime,                           zend_mssql_globals,             mssql_globals)

< static void php_mssql_get_column_content_with_type(mssql_link *mssql_ptr,int offset,zval *result, int column_type)
> static void php_mssql_get_column_content_with_type(mssql_link *mssql_ptr,int offset,zval *result, int column_type,long longdatetime)

<                               char *res_buf;
<                               int res_length = dbdatlen(mssql_ptr->link,offset);
<                               if (column_type == SQLDATETIM4) res_length += 14;
<                               if (column_type == SQLDATETIME) res_length += 10;
<                               res_buf = (char *) emalloc(res_length + 1);
<                               res_length = dbconvert(NULL,column_type,dbdata(mssql_ptr->link,offset), res_length,SQLCHAR,res_buf,-1);

>                               char *res_buf; >             int res_length;
>             if (column_type == SQLDATETIME &&  longdatetime ) {
>                /* if it is the long date time format and user wants the extended date/time (with seconds and millis)*/

>                /* then output: 2001-03-15 23:06:36.000 */
>                DBDATEREC dr;
>                if (dbdatecrack(mssql_ptr->link,&dr,(DBDATETIME *)dbdata(mssql_ptr->link,offset)) != SUCCEED) {
>                   php_error(E_ERROR,"MS SQL:  column %d unable to convert datetime field", offset);
>                   ZVAL_FALSE(result);
>                   /* no further processing */
>                   return;
>                }
>                res_length = 23;
>                res_buf = (char *) emalloc(res_length+1);
>                sprintf(res_buf,"%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
>                        dr.year,dr.month,dr.day,dr.hour,dr.minute,dr.second,dr.millisecond);
>             } else {
>                res_length = dbdatlen(mssql_ptr->link,offset);
>                if (column_type == SQLDATETIM4) res_length += 14;
>                if (column_type == SQLDATETIME) res_length += 10;
>                res_buf = (char *) emalloc(res_length + 1);
>                res_length = dbconvert(NULL,column_type,dbdata(mssql_ptr->link,offset), res_length,SQLCHAR,res_buf,-1);

>             }
< static void php_mssql_get_column_content_without_type(mssql_link *mssql_ptr,int offset,zval *result, int column_type)
> static void php_mssql_get_column_content_without_type(mssql_link *mssql_ptr,int offset,zval *result, int column_type, long unused)

>    /* Ugh.. It would be cleaner to fetch the longdatetime in */
>    /* get_column_content_with_type, but doing the thread-safe lookup */
>    /* for every row that has a datetime field seems bad also.  So get it */
>    /* here and pass the value in  */
>    long longdatetime = MS_SQL_G(longdatetime);
<                       MS_SQL_G(get_column_content(mssql_ptr, j+1, &result->data[i][j], column_types[j]));
>                       MS_SQL_G(get_column_content(mssql_ptr, j+1, &result->data[i][j], column_types[j],longdatetime));

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