At 20:33 20/04/2002 +0300, Zeev Suraski wrote:
>It applies, to a degree.  If you directly reference $GLOBALS anywhere in 
>your function, you can also reference it indirectly.  If you don't, 
>however, indirect reference won't work.
>function foo()
>         $foo = "GLOBALS";
>         print $$foo["bar"];             // won't work
>function foo()
>         $GLOBALS;
>         $foo = "GLOBALS";
>         print $$foo["bar"];             // will work
>That's a side effect of implementation, though, so I think it's best to 
>say that indirect reference to $GLOBALS is not supported.

Yes, I also think we should document that indirect references to $GLOBALS 
shouldn't be used. It might change.


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