On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Brinkman, Theodore wrote:

> Well, having read that thread (thank you), I tallied up the votes (where I
> could tell what the vote was) and it was 13 for, 3 against, 2
> undecided/don't care.  Of the unsure, one person voted against, then
> undecided, then for, the other voted don't care, then against.  Of the
> against, one voted against purely on stylistic reasons.
> Why wasnt' this change implemented?  It's not a feature anyone would be
> forced to use, it improves syntax consistency, and the feeling from that
> discussion was overwhelmingly for the change.

It's invalid XML, <?php=  is not a valid processing tag.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lars Torben Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 6:40 PM
> To: Brinkman, Theodore
> Cc: 'PHP Developers Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] <?= and <%= both work, why not <?php=
> On Thu, 2002-04-25 at 15:27, Brinkman, Theodore wrote:
> > Ok.  I have the feeling that I'm going to be making myself a bit unpopular
> > here with my first post, but I mean no offense or disrespect.  I'm just
> > trying to understand something.
> > 
> > PHP allows <?= if short tags are enabled, or <%= if asp-style tags are
> > enabled, but doesn't allow <?php=.  Why?  I went so far as to look into
> the
> > source and as near as I can tell without getting my hands on a C compiler,
> > changing it so that the '{opentag}=' format was equivalent to '{opentag}
> > echo' would take a 2 line patch to one file.  I submitted this change as a
> > feature request in the bug system (#16763), and got the incredibly
> > informative and helpful response of "this was discussed to death on
> php-dev.
> > it's not going to happen." 17 minutes later.
> > 
> > I've spent the next 2 days trying to hunt down any mention of it, and
> having
> > no luck because searching for <?php=, or ?php= turns up no results.  So in
> > an effort to understand why and how the decision was made to leave a
> feature
> > partially implemented, I'm left with no resort except to post here and
> > probably bring down a can of whoop-ass on myself.  My appologies to anyone
> > who is sick of this being discussed.
> > 
> > That said.  Why?
> > 
> >     - Theo
> One long discussion starts here:
>   http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-dev&m=100405792100833&w=2
> It looks like consistency was voted down because someone might 
> misread <?php=$var to mean <?$php=$var. Which doesn't seem much
> worse than the age-old '=' vs. '==' screwup. Anyway, there's the
> thread and you should read it and decide whether this needs to
> get going again. :)
> -- 
>  Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  http://www.thebuttlesschaps.com
>  http://www.hybrid17.com
>  http://www.inflatableeye.com
>  +1.604.709.0506
> -- 
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