Isn't this all a bit of an overkill?


At 12:18 02/05/2002 -0700, Shane Caraveo wrote:
>Zeev Suraski wrote:
>>Does anybody have an opinion about this?
>Of course! ;)
>ini search order
>1. PHP_BIN_DIR (\php\)
>2. OS_DIR (\winnt\)
>To fix the ini issue we need more than just this.  The best I can come up 
>with right now is:
>1. implement bang line parsing.  This way, a specific script can define 
>what ini file it wants to use.  It should only be available in CGI/CLI systems.
>2. add support for -c to use filenames in addition to paths.  This way
>a single directory can contain multiple different config files.
>3. have sapi modules (dll's) detect their directory so that server modules 
>can correctly define where the ini file is for a particular installation.
>4. For web servers, allow ini filenames to be (or 
>something like that) and have sapi modules look for that first if 
>SERVER_NAME is available.
>5. Implement 'override' ini files, which basicly behave the same as 
>.htaccess.  Use of these is settable in the 'global' ini file.  They exist 
>in the same directory as the script itself, and are read recursivly 
>through the parent directory structure to some root (web root).  This of 
>course would be cached in persistent systems, CGI/CLI users would probably 
>not want to use this feature.
>Some of the above will rely on the OS security being configured correctly 
>so that people cannot access each other's ini files, but that is not the 
>responsibility of PHP to handle (though it could be documented to some extent).
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