On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 02:19:42PM -0400, Eli White wrote:
> As the subject says, can anyone give me a timeline estimate for full 
> usage (not experimental) of PHP within Apache 2.0?
> I ask because I am the maintainer of a server that recently got LOADS of 
> hits, and was brought to it's knees (Hubble Space Telescope).  We 
> managed through, but during problem solving afterwards we have decided 
> that Apache 2.0 with it's threads would have helped us greatly under our 
>  load.
> the problem is that we were just getting ready (in say a month) to go 
> live with a very large PHP piece ... and if they can't work together ... 
> well ... hrmmmm.

The best way for PHP's Apache 2.0 module to escape from "experimental"
status is to have the confidence of sites like yours running the
code. Most of the showstopping bugs have been fixed. You can see a list
of the outstanding bugs on our bug tracking site: http://bugs.php.net/

I suggest you take PHP 4.2.1 with Apache 2.0.36 (running the worker
MPM) and run your workload on it. At this point the only uncertainty
with the code comes from the multithreaded nature of Apache 2 and how
that will interact with 3rd party libraries that may not be reentrant
or threadsafe (as Rasmus points out).

If you encounter any bugs, please report them. More importantly, if
you have success please let us know. :)

-aaron (one of the apache2filter maintainers)

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