Okay that's more like it, emalloc on top.  That's what I would expect in
the first place.  And I guess Zeev is right that it doesn't really tell
you anything expect from that PHP does its share of alloc/free, and then

 - Stig

On Mon, 2002-05-13 at 23:06, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> Well, zend_parse() is actually not always on top.  I have run this thing
> longer now and it currently looks like this:  (reverse order)
> 001bdcd0 293      0.42199     init_op
> 00156c08 306      0.440713    smart_str_appendl_ex
> 0019b484 334      0.481039    php_strlcpy
> 001db788 337      0.48536     _get_zval_ptr_ptr
> 0015f2b4 341      0.491121    parse_iv2
> 001db198 347      0.499762    zend_pzval_unlock_func
> 001cbf00 364      0.524246    zend_hash_clean
> 0015ee18 392      0.564573    var_push
> 001dbb88 396      0.570334    zend_assign_to_variable
> 001c45d0 398      0.573214    _zval_copy_ctor
> 001c3dfc 416      0.599139    zend_ptr_stack_n_push
> 001bdaf0 432      0.622183    destroy_op_array
> 001c3560 459      0.661069    zend_str_tolower
> 0015701c 465      0.66971     smart_str_print_unsigned
> 001b9970 465      0.66971     zendlex
> 001b2440 467      0.672591    _erealloc
> 001d45e4 473      0.681232    zend_fetch_property_address
> 001c4970 497      0.715798    _zval_ptr_dtor_wrapper
> 0015ef14 516      0.743162    process_nested_data
> 001946c8 526      0.757565    xbuf_format_converter
> 001b27fc 629      0.905909    _estrndup
> 001db1fc 647      0.931834    zend_clean_garbage
> 001cb9b8 686      0.988003    zend_hash_rehash
> 001cc6cc 711      1.02401     zend_hash_copy
> 001c45c0 764      1.10034     zval_add_ref
> 001d398c 953      1.37255     zend_fetch_var_address
> 001ca5f8 975      1.40423     _zend_is_inconsistent
> 001cbda8 1046     1.50649     zend_hash_destroy
> 001c443c 1235     1.77869     _zval_dtor
> 001baf6c 1302     1.87519     _zval_ptr_dtor
> 001db270 1419     2.0437      _get_zval_ptr
> 0015dcb4 1464     2.10851     php_var_unserialize
> 001ccae0 2460     3.54298     zend_hash_find
> 001b3028 2917     4.20117     _mem_block_check
> 001d4ca0 3931     5.66157     execute
> 001ca85c 4438     6.39177     zend_hash_add_or_update
> 001a56bc 4597     6.62077     zendparse
> 001b21b8 4692     6.75759     _efree
> 001cdaf8 5458     7.86082     zend_inline_hash_func
> 001a9f4c 5501     7.92275     lex_scan
> 001b1ea4 6321     9.10374     _emalloc
> On 13 May 2002, Stig S. Bakken wrote:
> > On Mon, 2002-05-13 at 17:53, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> > > The link you specified doesn't work (it's .net)... Nice touch on their part
> > > on having a page that doesn't render under IE :)
> > >
> > > Anyway, the important question is whether you're using it under Linux or
> > > some other OS.  Under Linux, unless it has some kernel module, it's going
> > > to be horribly inaccurate.  After finding this page, it does appear as if
> > > it's using a kernel module.  Congrats to Linux for finally having a usable
> > > profiler!
> > >
> > > It's pretty consistent with the results I got using NuMega's profiler about
> > > a year ago (I don't remember the exact numbers, but the functions are more
> > > or less the same).
> >
> > Seeing that the single most time-consuming function is zend_parse, it
> > would be interesting to see where the bottleneck moves when using
> > ZendAccelerator or another caching product.  Did you try that setup with
> > NuMega's profiler?
> >
> >  - Stig
> >

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