Do you really have to use attributes for things like name?

And the sense of having section-description inside section escapes me.



"Michael Dransfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have started writing an app which helps (mainly win32, new) users to
> generate config files correctly to prevent glaring security holes on
> production servers.
> I started by using parse_config_file(), but this ends up causing problems
> because it strips comments.  This means that some variables which are
> commented are lost from the program.  There are also potential problems
> because some of the config file has [sections] and some of it doesnt.
> of this is valid in win32 environments and some are not.  This can cause
> problems if users download the win32 default config file and then upload
> to Linux or BSD, it will fail.
> Will uncommenting some of the variables (and then setting them to the
> default) affect the running of php at all?  is there a reason why they are
> commented and not just set with their default / NULL value?
> I then began playing with an xml file which stores the comments and
> variables along with other useful information relating to the
> variable. I then added warnings to the XML document so that the front-end
> can read if a setting is potentially insecure (in the current
> environment).  I think the best way to explain it is by looking at the
> attached file, most of it is obvious, i have commented where necessary.
> Do you think this format looks OK, I am sure i have missed a lot of
> information which could be of interest, for example storing a default
> with each variable, which could be different in different environments (eg
> <default env="dev" value="1"/>).  Maybe add a severity to the warning.
> What would you think about the possibility of including the XML ini file
> format in later release of php?  it is easy enough to parse the file when
> the server is started as easilly as it can parse the current ini
> file(?).  It could enable many possibilities because is can store multiple
> environments within it, along with relavent information about the setting
> itself, which would make overall administration much much easier, and
> quicker.  ini files are soooo Windows 95, dont you think?
> I am going to write the front-end as a web application and as a php-gtk
> (hopefully with the same code).
> Does anybody have any comments or suggestions (or would like to
> help)?  (please try to keep them constructive ;)  i have looked for
> projects, but cant find any.
> Regards
> Mike

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