Updated run-tests.php to work well on Win32.  

The changes *should* work on Unix as well, and I'll do some 
testing once I finish getting my newer Linux box set up :).

Added some tricks I've found useful in writing unit tests:

* Require a specific explicit path to the PHP executable.
* Require a php.ini file (to control the exact configuration).
* Abort the test if any requirement is not met.
* Log what exactly is being tested (version & path, etc.).
* On failure log additional detail (to a seperate file).

Some enhancements:

* Run basic (non-extension/PEAR) tests first.
* Added project to Win32 workspace, and made dependent on php4ts.
* Generate compiler-style error reports that Emacs/MSVC can grok.

Put a little work into the test cases.  The entire tests.log file
for Win32 is attached, with an abbreviated version below:

TIME 2002-05-17 00:39:59 - start of test run
CWD         : C:\net.php\php4-work
PHP         : Debug_TS\\php-cgi.exe
PHP_SAPI    : cgi
PHP_VERSION : 4.3.0-dev
INI actual  : C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\php.ini
INI wanted  : C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\php.ini
INI tests   : C:\net.php\php4-work\Debug_TS\php.ini
Will test compiled extension: standard
Will test compiled extension: bcmath
Will test compiled extension: calendar
Will test compiled extension: ctype
Will test compiled extension: com
Will test compiled extension: ftp
Will test compiled extension: mbstring
Will test compiled extension: mysql
Will test compiled extension: odbc
Will test compiled extension: overload
Will test compiled extension: pcre
Will test compiled extension: session
Will test compiled extension: tokenizer
Will test compiled extension: xml
Will test compiled extension: wddx
TIME 2002-05-17 00:40:23 - end of test run
Number of tests :  223
Tests skipped   :   70 (31.4%)
Tests failed    :   22 ( 9.9%)
Tests passed    :  131 (58.7%)
Skipped 24 extensions

TIME 2002-05-17 00:39:59 - start of test run
CWD         : C:\net.php\php4-work
PHP         : Debug_TS\\php-cgi.exe
PHP_SAPI    : cgi
PHP_VERSION : 4.3.0-dev
INI actual  : C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\php.ini
INI wanted  : C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\php.ini
INI tests   : C:\net.php\php4-work\Debug_TS\php.ini

Will test compiled extension: standard
Will test compiled extension: bcmath
Will test compiled extension: calendar
Will test compiled extension: ctype
Will test compiled extension: com
Will test compiled extension: ftp
Will test compiled extension: mbstring
Will test compiled extension: mysql
Will test compiled extension: odbc
Will test compiled extension: overload
Will test compiled extension: pcre
Will test compiled extension: session
Will test compiled extension: tokenizer
Will test compiled extension: xml
Will test compiled extension: wddx

.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\basic
PASS Trivial "Hello World" test
PASS Simple POST Method test
PASS GET and POST Method combined
PASS Two variables in POST data
PASS Three variables in POST data
PASS Add 3 variables together and print result
PASS Multiply 3 variables and print result
PASS Divide 3 variables and print result
PASS Subtract 3 variables and print result
PASS Testing | and & operators
PASS Testing $argc and $argv handling
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\classes
PASS Classes general test
PASS Classes inheritance test
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests
PASS dirname test
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\func
PASS Strlen() function test
PASS Static variables in functions
PASS General function test
PASS General function test
PASS Testing register_shutdown_function()
FAIL Output buffering tests (006.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\func\006.phpt(1) : Output buffering tests
C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\func\006.log(1) :  Output buffering tests
PASS INI functions test
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\lang
PASS Simple If condition test
PASS Simple While Loop Test
PASS Simple Switch Test
PASS Simple If/Else Test
PASS Simple If/ElseIf/Else Test
PASS Nested If/ElseIf/Else Test
PASS Function call with global and static variables
PASS Testing recursive function
PASS Testing function parameter passing
PASS Testing function parameter passing with a return value
PASS Testing nested functions
PASS Testing stack after early function return
PASS Testing eval function
PASS Testing eval function inside user-defined function
PASS Testing include
PASS Testing user-defined function in included file
PASS Testing user-defined function falling out of an If into another
PASS eval() test
PASS eval() test
PASS Switch test 1
PASS Switch test 2
PASS Switch test 3
PASS Regression test
PASS Looped regression test (may take a while)
PASS Mean recursion test
PASS Testing string scanner confirmance
PASS Testing do-while loop
PASS Testing calling user-level functions from C
FAIL OO Bug Test (Bug #7515) (029.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\lang\029.phpt(1) : OO Bug Test (Bug #7515)
C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\lang\029.log(1) :  OO Bug Test (Bug #7515)
PASS $this in constructor test
FAIL Internal hash position bug on assignment (Bug #16227) (031.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\lang\031.phpt(1) : Internal hash position bug on assignment 
(Bug #16227)
C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\lang\031.log(1) :  Internal hash position bug on assignment 
(Bug #16227)
PASS Class method registration
PASS Alternative syntaxes test
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\strings
PASS String functions
PASS Formatted print functions
PASS HTML entities

.... skipped extension: bz2

.... skipped extension: crack

.... testing extension: ctype
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\ctype\tests
PASS ctype on integers
PASS ctype on strings

.... skipped extension: cybermut

.... skipped extension: db

.... skipped extension: dbplus

.... skipped extension: dbx

.... skipped extension: dio

.... skipped extension: domxml

.... skipped extension: exif

.... skipped extension: gmp

.... skipped extension: iconv

.... skipped extension: interbase

.... testing extension: mbstring
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\mbstring\tests
PASS Simple multi-byte print test (EUC-JP)
PASS mb_internal_encoding() test
FAIL mb_http_input() (003.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\mbstring\tests\003.phpt(1) : mb_http_input()
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\mbstring\tests\003.log(1) :  mb_http_input()
PASS mb_http_output()
PASS mb_detect_order()
PASS mb_substitute_character()
PASS mb_output_handler() (EUC-JP)
PASS mb_preferred_mime_name()
PASS mb_strlen()
PASS mb_strpos()
PASS mb_strrpos()
PASS mb_substr()
PASS mb_strcut()
PASS mb_strimwidth()
PASS mb_convert_variables()
PASS mb_convert_encoding()
PASS mb_detect_encoding()
PASS mb_strwidth()
PASS mb_strlen()

.... skipped extension: mcrypt

.... skipped extension: mcve

.... skipped extension: ncurses

.... skipped extension: openssl

.... skipped extension: pcntl

.... skipped extension: pgsql

.... skipped extension: pspell

.... testing extension: session
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\session\tests
PASS Session Object Serialization
PASS session_unset() without any session
PASS Session Object Deserialization
PASS session_set_save_handler test
PASS Custom save handler, multiple session_start()s, complex data structure test.
PASS References between variables in sessions

.... skipped extension: skeleton

.... testing extension: standard
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\aggregation
PASS aggregating everything
PASS aggregating all methods
PASS aggregating methods specified in the list
PASS aggregating methods matching regular expression
PASS aggregating all default properties
PASS aggregating default properties specified in the list
PASS aggregating default properties matching regular expression
PASS retrieving aggregation info
PASS deaggreating
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\array
FAIL Test array_merge and array_walk (001.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\array\001.phpt(1) : Test array_merge and 
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\array\001.log(1) :  Test array_merge and 
FAIL Test arsort, asort, krsort, ksort, rsort, and sort (002.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\array\002.phpt(1) : Test arsort, asort, 
krsort, ksort, rsort, and sort
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\array\002.log(1) :  Test arsort, asort, 
krsort, ksort, rsort, and sort
FAIL Test usort, uksort and uasort (003.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\array\003.phpt(1) : Test usort, uksort and 
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\array\003.log(1) :  Test usort, uksort and 
PASS Test natsort and natcasesort
PASS search_array and in_array (including bug 13567)
PASS count
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\assert
PASS assert()
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\file
FAIL File type functions (001.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\file\001.phpt(1) : File type functions
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\file\001.log(1) :  File type functions
FAIL File/Stream functions (002.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\file\002.phpt(1) : File/Stream functions
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\file\002.log(1) :  File/Stream functions
FAIL is_*() and file_exists() return values are boolean. (003.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\file\003.phpt(1) : is_*() and file_exists() 
return values are boolean.
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\file\003.log(1) :  is_*() and file_exists() 
return values are boolean.
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\general_functions
PASS sprintf() function
PASS quoted_printable_decode() function test
PASS levenshtein() function test
PASS fgetcsv() with tab delimited fields (BUG #8258)
PASS is_scalar() function test
FAIL quoted_printable_decode() function test with CR/LF (006.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\general_functions\006.phpt(1) : 
quoted_printable_decode() function test with CR/LF
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\general_functions\006.log(1) :  
quoted_printable_decode() function test with CR/LF
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\math
PASS Simple math tests
FAIL Tests for floor en ceil (floorceil.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\math\floorceil.phpt(1) : Tests for floor en 
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\math\floorceil.log(1) :  Tests for floor en 
FAIL Various pow() tests (pow.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\math\pow.phpt(1) : Various pow() tests
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\math\pow.log(1) :  Various pow() tests
PASS Simple math tests
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\reg
PASS RegReplace test 1
PASS RegReplace test 2
PASS ereg_replace single-quote test
PASS simple ereg test
PASS Test Regular expression register support in ereg
PASS Test ereg_replace of start-of-line
PASS Test empty result buffer in reg_replace
PASS Test back-references in regular expressions
FAIL Test split() (009.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\reg\009.phpt(1) : Test split()
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\reg\009.log(1) :  Test split()
PASS Long back references
PASS \0 back reference
PASS nonexisting back reference
PASS escapes in replace string
PASS backreferences not replaced recursively
PASS replace empty matches
PASS test backslash handling in regular expressions
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\serialize
PASS serialize()/unserialize()/var_dump()
PASS serialize() (Bug #14293)
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\strings
PASS strtr() function
PASS trim() function
FAIL wordwrap() function (wordwrap.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\strings\wordwrap.phpt(1) : wordwrap() function
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\strings\wordwrap.log(1) :  wordwrap() function
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\time
PASS microtime() function
FAIL strtotime() function (002.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\time\002.phpt(1) : strtotime() function
C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\time\002.log(1) :  strtotime() function
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\standard\tests\versioning
PASS version_compare test

.... skipped extension: sysvmsg

.... testing extension: xml
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\ext\xml\tests
PASS XML parser test, function callbacks
PASS XML parser test, object tuple callbacks
PASS XML parser test, xml_set_object callbacks
PASS XML parser case folding test
PASS UTF-8<->ISO Latin 1 encoding/decoding test
PASS xml_parse_into_struct/umlauts in tags

.... skipped extension: xslt

.... skipped extension: zip

.... skipped extension: zlib

.... testing extension: PEAR
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\Console\tests
FAIL Console_Getopt (001-getopt.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\Console\tests\001-getopt.phpt(1) : Console_Getopt
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\Console\tests\001-getopt.log(1) :  Console_Getopt
.... directory C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests
FAIL PEAR constructor/destructor test (pear1.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear1.phpt(1) : PEAR constructor/destructor test
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear1.log(1) :  PEAR constructor/destructor test
FAIL PEAR_Autoloader (pear_autoloader.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear_autoloader.phpt(1) : PEAR_Autoloader
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear_autoloader.log(1) :  PEAR_Autoloader
FAIL PEAR_Config (pear_config.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear_config.phpt(1) : PEAR_Config
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear_config.log(1) :  PEAR_Config
PASS PEAR_Error: basic test
PASS PEAR_Error: die mode
PASS PEAR_Error: default error handling
PASS PEAR_Error: expected errors
FAIL PEAR_Registry (pear_registry.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear_registry.phpt(1) : PEAR_Registry
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear_registry.log(1) :  PEAR_Registry
FAIL System commands tests (pear_system.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear_system.phpt(1) : System commands tests
C:\net.php\php4-work\pear\tests\pear_system.log(1) :  System commands tests

TIME 2002-05-17 00:40:23 - end of test run

Number of tests :  223
Tests skipped   :   70 (31.4%)
Tests failed    :   22 ( 9.9%)
Tests passed    :  131 (58.7%)
Skipped 24 extensions

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