Zeev Suraski wrote:
> At 09:04 PM 5/17/2002, Robert Cummings wrote:
> >To be honest I'm passing the return_value into my recursion
> Not sure what you mean by that - return_value is handled by the engine as
> soon as you return from your function implementation, if that's what you're
> asking.  If you're using it internally, then you're responsible for it
> until you return from your code.

Well I'm creating a nested hash that I want to return ultimately, so
at my first recursive step I pass return_value as the hash to be filled.
However at various steps in the recursion I add elements to the hash that
overwrite default values. So my question is whether during this recursive
process does the garbage collector run when I overwrite a hash entry?
Hope that clears things up.

| Robert Cummings |
| Webdeployer - Chief PHP and Java Programmer  |
| Mail  : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Phone : (613) 731-4046 x.109                 |
| Website : http://www.webmotion.com           |
| Fax     : (613) 260-9545                     |

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