Hi Faisal,

Tx for ur thoughts...

On Thu, 23 May 2002 Faisal Nasim wrote :
>Why not simply use Apache to forward to the request to your PHP
>script or 'other program' and deploy threads for whatever 
>you want to run in the background?

I dont want to run anything else in the background.  All i want to 
do is to have the ability to send some data to the client when it 
is required by the system.

>Your program can keep sending the data and the threads will do
>the secondary work you want them to do.

Well, i can do the work in the PHP script that is being requested 
by the client also right?  The client will be calling only php 
scripts all the time.

>If the threads need to send
>the data to the connection as well, your PHP or other program 
>provide appropriate callback routines which will intercept the 
> from the threads.

Which php script will be running at the time?  I'm talking about 
asynchronous events out here.

>If you really need the socket, you'll probably need to make a 
>module and make it listen to the requests and do the work from 
>module itself.

Why should i go to the trouble of making an entire apache module 
that does the work?  I'm using PHP scripts for my functionality 
and they are doing the job excellently.  All i was trying to do is 
to make the process more efficient by having the ability to send 
data asynchronously without having the client poll for data all 
the time.

Thats why i was wondering if apache might be giving some 
information to php regarding the socket so that i could retrieve 
it in my php script and store it for use later.  Or if it is 
possible to write a php extension that would allow me to get the 
socket from apache and store it.

>Good luck!


>At 02:56 PM 5/23/2002, you wrote:
>>Hi Dave,
>>Thanks for the suggestion.  But i really dont wanna go in for an 
>>infinite loop - just a hopeless waste of resources.  I didnt say 
>>that a Keep-Alive connection would mean a Full-Duplex connection 
>>- i know how keep-alive works, as well as HTTP.  I know HTTP is 
>>based on a request-response model, and the server cannot send 
>>any data to the client without the client requesting for the 
>>data first.
>>But what i want is the socket which is used by Apache to send 
>>data to the client, which is on a keep-alive connection, so that 
>>some other program, or a php script can send data asynchronously 
>>to the client.  mind you, the client is a custom developed COM 
>>component, not a browser.
>>So what i was asking for was a means to make the connection a 
>>Full-Duplex one, by taking the socket from apache and using it 
>>elsewhere.  The Keep-alive timeouts can be configured at either 
>>ends since the web server is only going to be accessed by these 
>>On Wed, 22 May 2002 Dave Mertens wrote :
>>>On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 10:16:23AM -0000, Vinod  Panicker 
>>> > The client calls a script on the server - script_a.php using 
>>> > keep-alive connection.  The script gets the socket from the 
>>> > server (this is the unknown), and stores it in a database.
>>> > finishes execution, client reads response, but apache doesnt 
>>> > the connection since its keep-alive.
>>> >
>>> > Client wants to call another script on the server, just 
>>>writes to
>>> > the same socket.  Script returns response.
>>> >
>>> > Server wants to send data asynchronously to the client, so a 
>>> > script (invoked from another server) gets the socket of the 
>>> >  from the database and writes to it.  Client reads from 
>>> > socket.
>>> >
>>> > So this is basically a full-duplex connection over HTTP :)
>>>Not quite!
>>>Keep-alive tries to keep a socket connection with the server, 
>>>but this connection
>>>can only be used to request several resources from the servers 
>>>(like the
>>>images inside a page). This because setting up a new 
>>>tcp-connection takes a lot
>>>of time, keep-alive just reuse this connection for another 
>>>request. The server itself cannot
>>>*start* sending data over the http connection, it can only 
>>>reply on a client request.
>>>What you can do however, is to create a script with an endless 
>>>loop, inside
>>>this loop the scripts looks if there's new data in a database 
>>>and if there's
>>>data, it's sent to the client.. You can ofcourse also do other 
>>>things inside
>>>the loop.
>>>But you won't need a keep-alive connection for this. Ohh, don't 
>>>use any out
>>>buffering, otherwise the browser will timeout after 30 
>>>However the server can't switch pages. What you can do, is 
>>>inside the loop
>>>to access a different page with the fopen function.
>>>Hope this will answer your question,
>>>With best regards,
>>>Dave Mertens, Development Manager
>>>Innovative Solutions in Media BV
>>>Schiekade 101
>>>3033 BG  Rotterdam, Netherlands
>>>Tel. +31-10-2436060

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