Hello all,

I'm trying to make a module for php-4.2.1 but i'm having difficulties with 
the build system.

I perform the following steps:

1. extract a fresh source tree (php-4.2.1)
2. go to ext/ and run ./ext_skel --extname=mymodule
3. edit config.m4 and uncomment some lines to make this:

PHP_ARG_ENABLE(memusage, whether to enable memusage support,
dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned:
[  --enable-memusage           Enable memusage support])

if test "$PHP_MEMUSAGE" != "no"; then
   PHP_EXTENSION(memusage, $ext_shared)

4. go to the root of the source and run ./buildconf
5. run ./configure --enable-mymodule
6. run make, and then i get the error 'make: *** No targets specified and 
no makefile found.  Stop.'

So it seems configure doesnt create a Makefile. I exactly followed the 
steps outlined in the manual and the output of ext_skel. Can anyone tell me 
whats going wrong here?

Thanks in advance,

Hans Rakers
Parse BV, the Netherlands

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