On Thu, 23 May 2002 15:27:00 -0700, Shane Caraveo wrote:

>Markus Wolff wrote:
>> The best thinkable solutions would be:
>> a) Bundle a library like PEAR::SOAP with PHP that is modified in a
>>    way that it automatically detects if the xmlrpc-epi extension is
>>    installed. If so, PEAR::SOAP only acts as a wrapper class around
>>    the calls to the extension. Else, it uses its own, slower
>>    PHP routines.
>This is exactly what I've wanted to do.  

Just for the records: I like this plan and I think that we should try
to push this forward. 

Brad: Without knowing very much about your SOAP project: Do you
think that it is possible to merge your code with the xmlrpc-epi 

- Martin

  Martin Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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