> I don't mean to be blunt here, but consider the following:   
> - working on the existing session stuff would probably have scored   
>  higher    
I "tried" to work with the session stuff, and lets use the word inflexable to describe 
the developers.   
Msession is actually a standard session save handler in addition to the various 
extensions. So I *did* work   
on the existing session stuff. Originally I wanted msession.c to be in ext/session, 
but was told it should   
be ints own extension.   
> - working more actively with everyone, rather than just on your   
>  own would   
> be have more favourable   
I worked "actively" with people, in fact, I have made a couple contributions to the 
source. I have accepted   
sugestions from users and other develpers about the extension.    
>  - not getting really angry when someone else touches your extension   
>  helps   
All I asked is that "backward" compatibility be maintained, this does not seem like a 
hideous request. What   
would the maintainer of "ext/session" say if his variables were renamed and all the 
functions rewritten,   
mind you not "improved," no, just rewritten and no longer backward compatible?   

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