Hey guys,

Out of courtesy, I think it would have been polite to at least
email the primary extension maintainer with:
1) A note to say that it was going to be moved
2) A couple of reasons why
3) An invitation to join the discussion.
--> before moving it!!

If the same thing happened to me, or to you for that matter, I would
be a bit concerned/upset as well - even if there were very good reasons
for moving it.
Flaming him for inquiring why his work was moved was going a bit

I thought we were supposed to be co-operating after all?
(Or does the phrase "Open Source Community" mean something else??)


On 24/05/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Fri, 24 May 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> >> > On Fri, 24 May 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
> >> >> Woa!! When did this discussion take place?   
> >>   
> >> Why is it taking place on bugs and not dev?  
> >  
> > Because most of the active developers are there, it seems. 
> I am looking at the bugs list on news.php.net, and I can't find any mention of 
> I would like a little more discussion BEFORE my extension is removed the the main 
>tree. To characterize my 
> mood as anything less than disturbed, would be an understatement. 
> I have literally put almost a year of work in to this system and to have it removed 
>after a discussion I 
> did not even participate in makes me wonder what the hell I was doing the work for. 
> -- 
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