Purushotham Komaravolu wrote:
> Is there any way to create a singleton in Php4?

  Yes, but this is the wrong list to ask such questions.


    PHP 4

      class Singleton {      
        function &getInstance() {
          static $instance;
          if (!isset($instance)) {
            echo "Creating new object.\n";
            $instance = new Singleton;
          return $instance;
      $a = Singleton::getInstance();
      $b = Singleton::getInstance();
      if ($a === $b) {
        echo '$a and $b reference the same object.' . "\n";

    PHP 5

      class Singleton {
        static $instance = null;
        function getInstance() {
          if (self::$instance == null) {
            echo "Creating new object.\n";
            self::$instance = new Singleton;
          return self::$instance;
      $a = Singleton::getInstance();
      $b = Singleton::getInstance();
      if ($a === $b) {
        echo '$a and $b reference the same object.' . "\n";

  Sebastian Bergmann
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