
On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 04:05:19PM -0400, Jennifer Telisky wrote:
> Only thing I can think of, is to somehow store $data out to a file
> data.jpg,  then use this file as the <img src=data.jpg>.  Although, I
> can't seem to find a way to do this either.

Write one script that displays the ASCII info and uses img src doing
something like <img src="getjpegphoto.php?dn=cn....."> where
getjpegphoto.php is the script you already wrote to displays jpegs.
To display the right photo you might for instance pass the entry's
dn to the script like I'm hinting above. If you have the dn of the
entry in $dn, you can create the appropriate img src by doing say
echo "<img src='getjpegphoto.php?dn=", urlencode($dn), "'>";


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