On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, Hamlet wrote:

> Hi there,
> I've got a problem that's just a tidbit annoying. I've got a neat little php
> script to keep my home network running. At one point in this script it's
> required to reboot the machine the script is running on, and this I'm trying
> to do with exec("reboot").
> Now, I run the cron job as root, and if I try "php <? exec("reboot"); ?>
> from console it works fine. But not when cron tries to. I've got my
> suspicions as to cron doing something kinky with the permissions, and
> therefore permissions are not enought for php to execute the reboot command.
> I've been at this all day, suggestions are more than welcome.

It's not certain that the "reboot" command is in your PATH environment
variable when cron is running. Try adding a line similar to the one below
in the beginning of your cron script, or specify the full path when you
use exec() in PHP.



-\- David Eriksson -/-

"I personally refuse to use inferior tools because of ideology."
                                                - Linus Torvalds 

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