On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Dan Hardiker wrote:

> Hi,
> Still having major issues ... same error, same place, different .configure
> file (I edited it to read "#if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20414" instead),
> different configure line... same result.
> New Configure line (altered the --with-dom option):
> ./configure  --with-mysql=/usr/local/ --with-pgsql --with-gd=/usr/local/
> --with-openssl --with-curl --enable-ftp --with-dom=/usr/local/
> --enable-trans-sid --enable-sockets --enable-wddx --with-zlib
> --with-mcrypt=/usr/local/ --with-mhash=/usr/locl/ --with-freetype
> --with-t1lib --with-ttf --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/ --with-apxs
> Configures fine, makes all the way up until the domxml extension and then
> dies miserably.
> BTW - Im running FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE if that makes a difference ... but the
> whole scenario works fine on another machine.
i have no idea about freeBSD (shame on me)

> Alternative suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks,

search for libxml2/include/xmlversion.h (with locate or whatever). If you
find two, then delete the older one (or move). The whole include dir....
if you only find one, look at the line

if the version is less than 20414, you lost :) you should then reinstall
libxml2 with include files.

> I have the same packages installed in the same locations on a different
> machine, can I just copy the php4 apxs module across? (getting to a last
> resort)

mmh. libraries are normally dynamically linked... no idea if this works...


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