At 04:29 PM 8/3/2002 +0800, Alan Knowles wrote:
>Ok, had a play with this
>updated copy on
>added a few of pthreads calls to TSRM.c
>did most of the testing without this abstraction layer - just to see if I 
>could get it to work.
>used php_exectute_script, rather than getting clever and copying the 
>function/class hashtables.

This was exactly what I suggested a few minutes ago :)

>It worked (with a few caveats - that are just a matter of getting to know 
>threading better)...
>some of the issues:
>-if the child thread finishes before the main one - then the main one 
>needs to wait somehow..
>** FIX = probably need to keep a count of threads that are running and 
>block at MSHUTDOWN on the main thread if stuff is still going.
>-the child thread needs to have the modules functions loaded before it 
>starts running really - otherwise you get intermitant 'functions not 
>available' if you dont dl() the module in the child thread.
>** FIX = I need to look at the pthreads equivalant for 
>tsrm_wait_event(thread.start_event,TSRM_INFINITE); will be.. this should 
>make sure that the main thread doesnt do anything while the main thread is 
>starting up..

You should probably make threads a PHP resource and the destructor would 
wait for the thread to finish.

>- php_request_shutdown(NULL); calls the MSHUTDOWN for all modules - a good 
>example of where this cause trouble is the ext/standard/string.c 
>MSHUTDOWN, which has a static mutex that is freed. (and would be freed 
>twice when the main thread finishes) -
>hence  php_request_shutdown(), probably doesnt want to be called on a 
>thread completion..
>** FIX = not sure? - does this need fixing or should we just ignore 

I think threads should be treated exactly like a separate request so I 
think most code could run as is.

>due to the nature of thread scheduling, you dont get anything like '1 
>opcode from thread A, 1 opcode from thread B', more like about 30-40 
>opcodes randomly from each thread..

That's fine.


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