Any chance you're using output buffering?


At 12:25 14/08/2002, Joost Lek wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>I am new to this list, but urgently in need of a solution for a problem i 
>am currently facing.
>First, i'll give a description of my current platform:
>Linux 2.4.18 (origninally slackware, heavily modified)
>apache 1.3.22
>php 4.1.2
>mysql 3.23.46
>(i am aware that these are not the latest versions)
>php is compiled staticly in apache.
>The problem is a little script we use that puts out files to the user. The 
>code used is as follows:
>                if( $fp = fopen( $images_base.$show, "rb" ) ){
>                        while( !feof( $fp ) ){
>                                print( fread( $fp, 4096 ) );
>                                flush();
>                        }
>                }
>                fclose($fp);
>this works perfectly, until a few days ago. The files served were always 
><2MB, but last week, we needed to use a 100MB file, and now it appears 
>that before starting the output, the httpd process grows up to 108MB+, and 
>then starts output. Offcourse this is not very friendly on our hardware, 
>since multiple clients are sometimes downloading the files, which gives 
>the server loads of up to 100, and the kernel starts killing httpd's to 
>free up memory.
>Does anyone know how i can get httpd to stop 'caching' the entire file? i 
>tried to add the flush() call, it didn't work, i tried the readfile() and 
>fpassthru() calls, same result. I looked through the manuals at 
>and, no luck. I tried to find a workaround using apache, no luck.
>So as my last option i am turning to this list.
>Thank you for your time,
>-- Joost
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