On Wed, Aug 14, 2002 at 10:41:24AM +0100, Wez Furlong wrote:
> So, you're suggesting that all external extensions have to be in PECL
> in order for the error message to link to further documentation??
> What about projects like APC/APD? SRM?
> <NameOfYourFavouriteThirdPartyBinarySCEHere>?
> Do they all have to be hosted on php.net??
hell, no ;) I think it would be nice if there would at least be a pice of
documentation for such <NameOfYourFavouriteThirdPartyBinarySCEHere> somwhere
on php.net, integrated with all the other docs. And if it is just a name and
link to an external documentation it is sufficient.

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