> Edin Kadribasic wrote:
> >
> > > I absolutely agree with Stefan here. It is *not* PHP's job to
> > secure
> > > a connection. SSL does this.
> >
> > Like that's going to stop users from pasting url with SID in it to
> > an email, which is what this thread is about.
> >
> > Edin
> The issue is also that anyone can provide an URL wich can force  the
> creation of  any user-provided ID and, at_the_same_time, force the use
> of URL propagation instead of cookie propagation, on ANY cookie-enabled
> client.
> It is unconceivable that any user is given trust in supplying his
> 'unpredictable' session ID. At the moment only the (forthcoming?)
> session.use_only_cookies php.ini directive can block that.
> I know nothing can be secure 100%, but the fact that 'a horse with three
> legs can still walk' is no good reson not to shoot that leg (hey, I love
> horses, but this one is an enemy one...;-)

But any user can just as easily provide his own cookie with the session id
in it.  The simple move from the URL to a Set-Cookie header in the request
does not suddenly make it secure.


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