On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Ron Lange wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to link some external libs statically into a shared php extension. 
> If I compile this extension statically with php, all external libs also 
> linked statically in, the extension can be used.
> I can't figure out how I have to modify the many configuration files to get 
> the additional libs statically linked in if the extension is build 
> seperately. I just insert '-L/pathtolibs -llibnames...' into the 
> INCLUDES-var of config_vars.mk. Bad way, I know...
> But if I want the extension to be compiled as shared object the additional 
> libs are not linked statically in.
> By the way, if I use phpize to prepare the extension, the proper php prefix 
> isn't right set. I manually have to replace it in config_vars.mk.
> Unfortunately the self-contained-extension-readme doesn't cover this issue.
> Please help...


-\- David Eriksson -/-

"I personally refuse to use inferior tools because of ideology."
                                                - Linus Torvalds 

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