At 11:20 AM 8/20/2002 -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> > By the way, the only personal gain I have in getting ZE2 out of there is
> > that it's my code and that PHP will do much better. I think that PHP is
> > going to loose out big time if things don't start gaining some momentum.
> > Backporting is definitely a momentum breaker *especially* as everyone
> > really really wants to backport it badly. That's exactly my point. If you
> > guys want it so badly then work for it! :)
>Andi, everybody reading this list can rather simply patch it in
>themselves. At least, I already have. It's not us we are talking about
>here, it is the general user population. This is a patch that helps users
>now. That's what is important.
>Us, the developers of php-dev, will move to php5 at the same rate
>regardless of this patch.  And when the developers move to php5 the users
>will invariably follow as they start to see all the support shifting to
>that version.

I'm also starting to get tired so I'll make this my last Email (hopefully).
I emailed Thies in private about this issue and I have a feeling he'll 
commit the patch.
I just want to summarize a few points I wrote him:
I see adding debug_backtrace() to ZE1 tactical thinking. I think postponing 
it to ZE2 is strategic thinking. It's not to do with who wants to help PHP 
users more, but how we think we'll manage to help them more. Obviously as 
the person who wrote the patch all my intention was to help the average PHP 
The current mood on php-dev is "it'll take years for PHP 5 to be released 
so let's add it". I think if everyone here would work hard on it we could 
get it out within about 4 months. That would only happen if ppl were to 
write less Emails and do more organizing and coding though. Unlikely... PHP 
4.3 has been lingering forever. We could have released PHP 5 in this time. 
Okay, I still have a couple of things on my ZE2 todo but they could have 
been slipped in gradually while the rest get their stuff ready.

Personally, I think it's time to help PHP keep up with its competitors. I 
think we should invest our energy in that.
debug_backtrace() was the wake-up call to remind ppl to look into the future.

Let's just keep it at that because I'm getting tried and prefer working on 
useful stuff like working on the next version of PHP.

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