At 05:11 PM 9/1/2002 -0700, Michael Sisolak wrote:
>I download the alpha2 version of the php-4.3.0-dev-zend2 release.
>Unfortunatley out-of-the-box I got an "Invalid access to memory
>location." error returned when I try to view I page.  I was able to
>track it down to something with the browscap processing - something in
>ini_parse() is causing a memory access violation, but I get lost in all
>the lex code trying to figure out exactly what is going on.  I disabled
>my browscap entry and was able to continue with the testing.

That's strange. I know browsecap isn't really supposed to work (I commented 
out lots of code to get Engine 2 to work) but it shouldn't crash. It 
doesn't crash for me. Are you actually calling it? Can you try not loading it?

>It does appear that the issue I'm seeing with the first thread getting
>the GLOBAL_FUNCTION_TABLE as it's own local copy is fixed in Zend2:
>[1340] the startup thread is 1996
>[1340] copying the GLOBAL_FUNCTION_TABLE from 20933432
>[1340] in HttpExtensionProc thread 1996, CG(function table) is 21138360
>[1340] copying the GLOBAL_FUNCTION_TABLE from 20933432
>[1340] in HttpExtensionProc thread 532, CG(function table) is 22055840
>[1340] in HttpExtensionProc thread 1996, CG(function table) is 21138360
>The initial thread does now get it's own copy of the
>GLOBAL_FUNCTION_TABLE.  Since it will be a while before Zend2 is
>production quality do you think it would be possible to port what makes
>this work in Zend2 back to 4.2.x?  The changes in zend.c seem fairly
>straight forward, but there may be interactions with other changes I'm
>not seeing.

This code is quite complex as you have probably noticed. I moved some stuff 
around there for Engine 2 but it's not very easy to port these changes back 
to Engine 1 especially as I'm not sure I actually fixed any bugs. Bugs 
weren't the reason for me shifting it around. If you can figure out what 
changes in Engine 2 actually make the difference then we can look at them 
but it might mean lots of work for you.


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