On 12 Sep 2002, Brian Lalor wrote:

> Markus Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     As long as the extension is marked EXPERIMENTAL so are the
> >     docs and so they may be out of date for current version and
> >     also up to date with current versions and not reflect the
> >     behaviour of any of the older versions.
> *sigh*
> I should have made this more clear.  The sockets is but an *example* of why
> the documentation un-versioned is a bad idea.  Yes, the sockets code is
> experimental, but the MySQL stuff (for example) is not.  If someone changes
> the documentation in CVS and that gets put up on the website, then the poor
> unsuspecting user going to look up the spec for mysql_connect() is going to be
> scratching their head trying to figure out why the heck the code they're
> writing that conforms to the documentation doesn't work.

See all the notes @

nuf said.


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