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Devon O'Dell wrote:
 > I wonder if you understand that highligh_file() *is* a call to the
 > *same* function that provides .phps files with functionality.
 > By adding line numbers to this function, we are automatically
 > adding them to .phps free of charge.  Doesn't break anything or
 > make anything less secure.
 > The only security implications of .phps are user related and are
 > also inherent in files shown with highlight_file.
 > I *really* have no clue about why you say it's half broken.  It

Read source and understand how things are sent from PHP/Zend,
research issues related to it. IIRC there should be at least one bug
report in what condition phps does not work well.

I vote -1 for changing/adding phps feature.
In other words, no x-application/x-httpd-php-source-with-line-number or

BTW, if you would like to add extra option to highlight_file(), etc.
My vote is 0. People should use highlight_file() instead of phps,
anyway. With PHP level, we can forget all issues related to phps.

 > works fine (except for that extra line number thing, but that's no
 > real problem I'm sure -- the extra line number is also *not*
 > evident in files highlighted by highlight_file() as I don't think
 > you understood) and, if it is not supported by your host, a simple
 > call to highlight_file() is the *exact same thing*.
 > Nowhere in my code is there a regex.

It's not the point, user can do that if they would like to add line

I really don't care much about this issue wheather there is yet
another half broken phps with
x-application/x-httpd-php-source-with-line-number, I'm just suggesting
having one more half broken feature is not nice.

 > I mean, use highlight_file or .phps or whatever, you're advocating
 > the use of the *exact same functions* in the end.  They all
 > eventually break down to zend_highlight().

It's not about the issue calling the same function eventually or not.


Research how things should be sent from PHP/Zend. With PHP level, e.g.
with scripting, we can forget all issues related to phps.

Yasuo Ohgaki

 > Devon
 > Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
 >> I prefer not to add any more feature to phps. The functoinality
 >> should be provided within hilight_file/stirng/etc to avoid needless
 >> complexity if it is needed.
 >> I've been pointed out reasons why we are better to use
 >> functions instead of phps in bug db and/or list sevral times.
 >> In short, we are better to use show_source() for better security
 >> and management of output.
 >> I'm not against having line numbers, but just against adding
 >> anymore features to phps. (It's half broken and we don't know
 >> when it became fully functional also)
 >> But this can be done by a simple regex and loop can add line number
 >> can't be?
 >> hilight file
 >> slipt text by line ending char
 >> loop though the array
 >>   add line number
 >> output the result
 >> We can do that in PHP or in Scripting. We don't need better
 >> performance for these IMHO.
 >> Make sense?
 >> --
 >> Yasuo Ohgaki

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