I am trying to use pear's Mail functions to send email to my local smtp
server (FreeBSD 4.4 using qmail-smtpd), but it sort of gets hung up when
communicating with the smtp server.  (I also tried a 2nd smtp server with
the same hang).  It can take many minutes (way over the script's time out
strangely) of the script just setting there going very slowly before I guess
it finally times out (no errors are given).  Using recordio on the smtp
server shows what seems to be a very long time for php to respond to the
output of the server.  The communication that usually takes under a second,
is taking multiple minutes.  I was using an Oct 1st checkout, which failed
so I backed it out a few times (3:00AM EST each day) with fresh copies to
try to find where the problem was introduced:

Oct 1 failed
Sept 16 works
Sept 25 failed
Sept 21 works
Sept 23 failed
Sept 22 works
Sept 23 failed (just to double check)

I know thats not much help, and I am sorry, but I have not been able to
figure out the complexities of the pear classes, so I am a little in the
dark as to what function(s) are causing the problems.  So could someone in
the know could grab the pear scripts and check it out using the smtp option.
I would file a bug report, but I have no idea what is going on here (socket
problem?).  Was there some major changes between the 22nd and the 23rd?


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