On October 2, 2002 03:46 pm, Sascha Schumann wrote:
> > Its very simply really, as you well know, since PHP 4.2.0
> > register_globals are off by default. Because they are off,
> > session_register does not retrieve a value from the variable and only
> > creates a null variable inside the session. So, unless the user is aware
> > of this issue and knows that to fix the problem they need to enable
> > register globals, which somewhat of a security risk, the application they
> > are trying to use won't work. Session is a fairly popular extension, it
> > is used by many PHP applications, so this is rather serious problem.
>     You fail to see that an application is either designed to
>     work with enabled register_globals, or it is not.  There is
>     little in between.  If an application's session part fails
>     because of register_globals, the rest of the application
>     which handles input data will also fail.
>     No magic code in the session extension will cure the support
>     hassle created by the register_globals change.
>     The main goal is to have a stable session extension with
>     little to no behavioral changes from 4.2 to 4.3.  Please keep
>     that in mind.

In this case, would it not be prudent to either depreciate the 
session_register() function or add an E_NOTICE message in the event it is 
used on a system with session_register() disabled?
That way we can atleast provide the users some idea as to why their code is 
not working and perphaps make the 1st step towards eliminating 
session_register() completely at some point in the future.

> > My patch does not force the association between track and global
> > variables all the time, it is conditional on register_globals being
> > enabled. This does not prevent the user from having $test0 &
> > $_SESSION['test0'] as 2 seperate varaibles containing unrelated data.
>     That's incorrect.  Consider this code with your patch applied
>     and register_globals=0:
>     $c = "bla";
>     session_register("c");
>     // $_SESSION["c"] is now a ref to $c
>     $_SESSION["c"] = "other stuff";
>     // voila, you now have changed the global variable $c

That is quite correct. Of course it can be avoided by some additional hacking 
to the code. However, based on your defenition of the goals for the session 
extension, I believe it would be quite useless.


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