Zeev Suraski wrote:
> It's been a while since I touched that piece of code, so I don't 
> remember how exactly it's supposed to work.  However, right now, the URL 
> rewriting code uses output buffering, so it's not too odd that the 
> output is being buffered.  Back when I made this change, I used a 
> 4096-byte chunk size (and that's how it works in 4.2), but right now, 
> miraculously, it appears to be using an unlimited buffer size for some 
> reason.
> Yasuo?
> A couple of questions for clarity:
> (a)  Does this work properly with PHP 4.2?
> (b)  Other than the buffering issue, does it perform what it's supposed 
> to do (i.e., yields the right output)?


As I said before, I don't touch any of chunk size related code.
You've removed all applicable lines regarding to implicit flush

Anyway, using unlimited size of buffer makes sense to me.
Unless it buffers whole contents, URL rewriter may fail to
modify HTML correctly.

I don't read code, so I cannot make comment on this.
But, I guess it is working as before w/o adding output
control functions.

BTW, don't forget adding my address.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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