Works for me using latest CVS.

   $fp = fopen("http://site.that.redirects";, "r");

The var_dump shows that PHP is following the redirects.
There used to be a bug like that, but it's been fixed for a couple
of weeks now.

How about posting a script that reproduces the problem, and the
error output?


On 10/12/02, "Mike Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im not sure if this is related, but using fopen or fsockopen
> to retrieve a document that sends a redirect header (in this
> case a 302 Moved Permanently trying to pull the slashdot
> headlines rdf/xml file) fails. Worked fine in 4.2.3. This is
> the case with 4.3.0pr1 and CVS for a little while now.

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