Hi, I'm going to be working on updating the PHP cURL extension in the coming weeks:
* adding the multi-interface. * ssl session id caching (globally) * global dns cache in threaded webservers (same for ssl sesssion id caching) * allowing cURL handle re-use. * allowing "persistent" cURL handles that survive the request, for HTTP 1.1 persistent connections * Autogenerating much of the interface between cURL and PHP, allowing PHP to support multiple versions of the underlying cURL library * Supporting all cURL options/callbacks in one way or another * Adding a OOP interface to cURL, on the extension level... [undecided] * Updating the cURL documentation So, I'm sending this message, to the lists just to get any suggestions, comments, feature requests, bug reports that you would like me to look at/consider when revamping the extension. The changes will be done step by step to the extension, but the full revamping should be expected around the time of PHP 5 (PHP 4.3 is too soon for all these changes to be integrated and tested). -Sterling PS: I'll be at the PHP Conference in Frankfurt, and ApacheCon in Las Vegas, if you're coming to either of those, feel free to talk about it with me there as well... -- PHP Development Mailing List <http://www.php.net/> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php