I am curios as to your reasoning behind turning on html_errors by default, why 
would the tests need HTML data?
Logging of errors occurred during the tests seems pointless to me. As I've 
mentioned before if a test needs to check if a certain type of error is 
generated the track_errors & $php_errormsg facility can be used to capture 
this error reliably. Logging of errors is unreliable since the actual error 
message can go anywhere, stderr,syslog, user specified file, etc... It is 
highly likely that you may not even see the error message because it is not 
sent to stderr. Data sent to the error log is also 'variable', because it 
contains fluid data which different from system to system due to file paths, 
so we must do all kinds of hackery if we are to use it when confirming the 
output of a test.
I for one, would like to see that setting go away.


P.S. The recent change to ini settings broken 9 tests, which worked fine prior 
to your change.

EUC-JP to ISO-2022-JP [ext/iconv/tests/eucjp2iso2022jp.phpt]
EUC-JP to SJIS [ext/iconv/tests/eucjp2sjis.phpt]
EUC-JP to UTF8 [ext/iconv/tests/eucjp2utf8.phpt]
iconv test [ext/iconv/tests/iconv001.phpt]
UCS4BE to ASCII [ext/iconv/tests/iconv002.phpt]
ob_output_handler [ext/iconv/tests/ob_iconv_handler.phpt]
HTML input/output [ext/mbstring/tests/htmlent.phpt]
rewriter handles <form> and <fieldset> correctly [ext/session/tests/021.phpt]
Memoryleak in error printing [ext/xslt/tests/xslt-001.phpt]

On October 27, 2002 07:14 pm, Marcus Börger wrote:
> First the tests take the nomal ini settings from any file found by php...
> Second there are some settings overwritten by run-test.php..
> Third you can overwrite first and second by specifying an INI section in
> the .phpt files.
> Now to the setting "log_errors" i want this thing on because ANY
> MESSAGE is either wanted or a REAL ERROR. The only test being
> an exception to this rule is ext/session/tests/008-php4.2.3.phpt.
> This test requires log_error to be set 0.
> BEFORE REMOVING log_errors=1 again i want this beeing
> discussed!
> marcus
> At 01:07 28.10.2002, Marcus Börger wrote:
> >helly           Sun Oct 27 19:07:11 2002 EDT
> >
> >   Modified files:
> >     /php4       run-tests.php
> >   Log:
> >   allow default ini overwrites to be overwritten themselves in --INI--
> >   #see followup on dev list
> >
> >
> >Index: php4/run-tests.php
> >diff -u php4/run-tests.php:1.91 php4/run-tests.php:1.92
> >--- php4/run-tests.php:1.91     Sat Oct 26 12:54:30 2002
> >+++ php4/run-tests.php  Sun Oct 27 19:07:11 2002
> >@@ -480,28 +480,50 @@
> >
> >         // Default ini settings
> >         $settings = array (
> >-               "-d 'open_basedir='",
> >-               "-d 'disable_functions='",
> >-               "-d 'error_reporting=2047'",
> >-               "-d 'display_errors=0'",
> >-               "-d 'log_errors=0'",
> >-               "-d 'html_errors=0'",
> >-               "-d 'docref_root=/phpmanual/'",
> >-               "-d 'docref_ext=.html'",
> >-               "-d 'error_prepend_string='",
> >-               "-d 'error_append_string='",
> >-               "-d 'auto_append_file='",
> >-               "-d 'auto_prepend_file='",
> >+               "open_basedir=",
> >+               "disable_functions=",
> >+               "error_reporting=2047",
> >+               "display_errors=0",
> >+               "log_errors=1",
> >+               "html_errors=1",
> >+               "track_errors=1",
> >+               "docref_root=/phpmanual/",
> >+               "docref_ext=.html",
> >+               "error_prepend_string=",
> >+               "error_append_string=",
> >+               "auto_append_file=",
> >+               "auto_prepend_file=",
> >         );
> >-       $ini_settings = ' '. join (' ', $settings);
> >+       $ini_settings = array();
> >+       foreach($settings as $setting) {
> >+               if (strpos($setting, '=')!==false) {
> >+                       $setting = explode("=", $setting);
> >+                       $name = trim(strtolower($setting[0]));
> >+                       $value = trim($setting[1]);
> >+                       $ini_settings[$name] = $value;
> >+               }
> >+       }
> >
> >-       // Any special ini settings
> >+       // Any special ini settings
> >+       // these may overwrite the test defaults...
> >         if (array_key_exists('INI', $section_text)) {
> >                 foreach(preg_split( "/[\n\r]+/", $section_text['INI']) as
> > $setting) {
> >-                       if (strlen($setting)) {
> >-                               $ini_settings .= " -d '$setting'";
> >+                       if (strpos($setting, '=')!==false) {
> >+                               $setting = explode("=", $setting);
> >+                               $name = trim(strtolower($setting[0]));
> >+                               $value = trim($setting[1]);
> >+                               $ini_settings[$name] = $value;
> >                         }
> >                 }
> >+       }
> >+       if (count($ini_settings)) {
> >+               $settings = '';
> >+               foreach($ini_settings as $name => $value) {
> >+                       $settings .= " -d '$name=$value'";
> >+               }
> >+               $ini_settings = $settings;
> >+       } else {
> >+               $ini_settings = '';
> >         }
> >
> >         // We've satisfied the preconditions - run the test!
> >
> >
> >
> >--
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