
> > >    Does anybody know about the possibilities of compliling the php
> > > source code
> > Yes, it's true, it is possible to compile PHP source code.
> > My best friend's sisters' boyfriend's brother knew this guy who saw
> > this other guy compile it once at 31 flavors.*
> Hey, I know that it;s not compiled,,
> I just ask about possibilities...
> Becuse this is the only place where i can talk about these 
> kind of problems
Well, maybe you should read your question again.
"The PHP source code" sounds for me like the source of PHP,
And well, as long as you dont compile it, you cant use PHP.

If you are looking for a possibility to compile your Scripts to binarys, 
well depends on what you want: if you want 
Well: no, that is not possible right now.
If you want your scripts encoded so noone can read it,
Well you should look for the Zend Encoder or the Ioncube Encoder.

BUT: this is the wrong list for your question. It is about the developement
of PHP,
If my guess about your question (the second one ;) is right - your question
is about
Developement in PHP. For questions like this, i guess, PHP-General List is a
better Place.

Peter Petermann

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