On Sat, 02 Nov 2002, Timm Friebe wrote:
> Round 2 - fight:-)
> OK, I guess now I'm ready for committing my changes. I got PHP compiled
> and tested out the new functionality of my ext/sybase_ct changes against
> CVS from today.
> Just to make sure I'm getting it all right: This is what I'd put in the
> commit message
> @- Implemented features/changes requested in Bug #16960 (Timm):
> @  . Added a new function sybase_unbuffered_query()
> @  . Added a new function sybase_fetch_assoc()
> @  . Added sybase_set_message_handler() which enables users to handle
> @    server messages in a callback function
> @  . Added an ini entry for deadlock retries - retrying deadlocks 
> @    can cause transaction state to break (sybct.deadlock_retry_count,
> @    defaults to -1 "forever").
> @  . Fixed sybase_fetch_object() not to return object with numeric
> @    members
> @  . Fixed issues with identical fieldnames
> @  . Made sybase_fetch_*() functions return correct datatypes
> @  . Made phpinfo() section more verbose
> @  . Made sybase_query() error messages more verbose

Can you compress this down to a couple of entries?

-Andrei                                       http://www.gravitonic.com/
* Ethernet n.: something used to catch the etherbunny. *

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