When using iso-2022-jp encoded strings within the I have to
resort to doing error_reporting = ~E_COMPILE_WARNING
to avoid getting a million 

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=27) state=2 in

in the page.
iso-2022-jp uses escape characters go in and out of JIS
charsets. Compile warnining are pretty important for development.
Are there are less drastic ways of allowing the escape character

As an example of its use, it goes something along the lines
$asTokenStrings["LANG:AGENDA:LONG_DAYNAME_MON"] = "ascii-like-text here 
ESC$B7nMKF|ESC(B ascii-like-text-here";

echo $asTokenStrings["LANG:AGENDA:LONG_DAYNAME_MON"];

Adrian Gartland - Senior Systems Engineer - TV Portal Team
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