Andrei Zmievski wrote:
How much is this going to delay 4.3.0? I'm just a bit wary of changing
such an essential part of PHP interaction (with server and users) before
a big release..
the current problem with HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is just that
i never really figured out when it should be populated
depending on HTTP method, Content type and
always_populate_raw_post_data, this is going to be fixed

besides the HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA issue what i did was
a cleanup of the HTTP content handler code in SAPI.c
that fixes problems with PHP not comsuming content
data although at least the apache 1.x API relies on
it (for keepalive connections)

php://input works for the apache sapi, but not with CGI
i had no time yet to realy dig into it but i'm pretty sure
it is a problem within the CGI sapi code and not in the
content handler ...

i definetly want this feature in 4.3 as with plain 4.2.x
it is impossible to handle PUT and WebDAV requests and even
with the allow_webdav_methods patch and HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA
extended to PUT and WebDAV specific methods you get back
the same memory consumption problems as with file uploads
before 4.2.0

btw: did someone work on the run-tests.php/CGI issues?
does it work again? because with CLI it is not possible to
test POST handling ...

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