Hello again,

I've not heard anything from anybody regarding my previous post.  My first
thought is that everyone is caught up in the release activities, but I would
appreciate any comments that anyone might be able to offer.



"Diggy Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello All,
> I have recently been approached by Birdstep about updating the PHP module
> support their database engine for an internal project.  In the past
> and earlier IIRC), PHP has provided support for the Birdstep (formerly
> Velocis) database as part of the distribution.  Since v4.1.2 (IIRC) this
> support has been dropped in the standard source tree.  But, I was able to
> locate the old code under ./ext/odbc and so I have resurrected the module.
> In the process, I have made a number of modifications and additions to the
> library to bring it up to date with the latest version of Birdstep's
> product.
> My main question is:  Is this module something that the community would
> to have available again?  If so, I am willing to pick up the maintenance
> duties on the module.  I'm a former employee of the company and have
> to 'back-door' support when necessary.
> I've taken a bit of time and put together some notes on the modifications
> that I have made to this point.  These notes are copied below for review.
> I've also attached the modified source files.  (NOTE:  I realize these
> aren't formatted to PHP standards...please let me slide on that one while
> I'm making more significant changes :-P)  If there is interest, I am also
> considering addiing some enhancements for connection management and error
> handling.
> Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated.
> --
> William D. 'Diggy' Bell
> Principal
> DB Software Development
> http://www.dbsoftdev.com
> /***** CUT HERE *****/
> Birdstep PHP Extension
> Design Specification
> Date: 11/14/2002
> By: William D. 'Diggy' Bell
> The Birdstep PHP Extension allows PHP applications to access the Birdstep
> RDM Server database engine.
> 1. Support for LONG VARCHAR columns
> 2. Positioned fetch operations
> 3. Support for birdstep_fetch_array()
> 4. Support for birdstep_num_fields()
> 5. Support for birdstep_affected_rows()
> 1. API conflict between SQLFetchScroll and SQLGetData
> There is a current design limitation in the RDM Server that prevents the
> of SQLGetData() with rowsets that have been retrieved using
> SQLFetchScroll().  This
> limitation strongly impacts how LONG VARCHAR fields can be handled.  Two
> methods are described below.
> a. Use SQLFetch() instead of SQLFetchScroll().
> The requirement for positioned fetch operations eliminates this option.
> b. Use a maximum sized buffer for LONG VARCHAR columns
> In this method, a buffer of a fixed maximum size would be allocated for
> LONG VARCHAR column.  The column would then be bound using SQLBindCol() to
> retrieve the data in one operation.
> Option (b) was chosen because it allows support for SQLFetchScroll().
> can have
> significant implications on applications that have a large number of LONG
> columns due to unnecessarily high memory requirements.
> NOTE: There are additional limitations in the RDM Server engine that have
> prevented
> implementation of cursor positioning.  SQLFetchScroll will continue to be
> used for
> smoothest migration when RDM Server support for cursor positioning is
> typedef struct VConn {
>  HDBC     hdbc;
>  long     index;
>    int      connected;
> } VConn;
> typedef struct {
>  char     name[32];
>  char*    value;
>  long     vallen;
>  SDWORD   valtype;
> } VResVal;
> typedef struct Vresult {
>  HSTMT    hstmt;
>  VConn*   conn;
>  long     index;
>  VResVal* values;
>  long     numcols;
>  int      fetched;
> } Vresult;
> typedef struct _php_birdstep_globals
> {
>    long     num_links;
>    long     max_links;
>    int      le_link;
>    int      le_result;
> } php_birdstep_globals;
> birdstep_connect($server, $user, $password)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $server     -  RDM Server name
>    $user       -  database user name
>    $password   -  user's password
> Returns:
>    connection handle
> Description:
>    This function will connection to the RDM Server identified by $server.
> The
>    $user and $password must be valid users on the server.
> birdstep_close($conn)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $conn       -  connection handle to close
> Returns:
>    TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will close the specified connection to the RDM Server
> birdstep_exec($conn, $sql)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $conn       -  database connection handle
>    $sql        -  SQL statement to be executed
> Returns:
>    Result index if successful, Zero if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will execute the $sql statement on the server identified
> $conn
> birdstep_fetch($result)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $result     -  result set index (from birdstep_exec())
> Returns:
>    TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will retrieve the next row from a result set.
> birdstep_fetch_array($result)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $result     -  result set index (from birdstep_exec())
> Returns:
>    Associative array of column values with column names as key names.
> Description:
>    This function will retrieve a row from a result set and return the
> results as an
>    associative array.  The column names will be assigned to the key names.
> The
>    data values will be assigned to the array elements.
> birdstep_result($result, $index)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $result     -  result set index (from birdstep_exec())
>    $index      -  column index to be retrieved
> Returns:
>    The value of the column specified by $index in the result set, $result.
>    if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function is used to retrieve a column value from the current row
> the
>    result set.
> birdstep_freeresult($result)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $result     -  result set index (from birdstep_exec())
> Returns:
>    TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will free a result set that has been previously allocated
> using
>    the birdstep_exec() function.
> birdstep_autocommit($conn)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $conn       -  database connection handle
> Returns:
>    TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will enable the auto-commit feature of RDM Server.
> birdstep_off_autocommit($conn)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $conn       -  database connection handle
> Returns:
>    TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will disable the auto-commit feature of RDM Server.
> birdstep_commit($conn)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>   $conn        -  database connection handle
> Returns:
>    TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will commit changes to the database during a transaction.
> birdstep_rollback($conn)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>   $conn        -  database connection handle
> Returns:
>    TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will rollback changes to the database during a
> birdstep_num_fields($result)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>    $result     -  result set index (from birdstep_exec())
> Returns:
>    Number of columns in result set, or FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will retrieve the number of columns in the result set.
> birdstep_field_name($result $index)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parameters:
>   $result      -  result set index (from birdstep_exec())
>   $index       -  column index of column name to retrieve
> Returns:
>    Column name, or FALSE if an error occurred.
> Description:
>    This function will retrieve the name of the column represented by
> 1. LONG VARCHAR Max Length
> The maximum length for a LONG VARCHAR column is currently a #define.  This
> should be moved to an INI entry and managed through the Zend INI

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