I have a problem with the session way of working. Iīve made an CMS application 
integrated with database for the purpose of making a web site easier to change and 

Lets review the process to see the real problem.

1- Browser. Site URL. Access to a public site.
2- Session starts with global variables. Needed for making all the tools (more than 7) 
work for the right company without having to pass the variables from one page to the 
next one (to many pages, libraries, functions, etc), and then on
   -. Group name (anonimous). Each group has its own menu of web pages non dependent 
of any other, that means that each group is a site public (URL) or private (log in)
   -. User name (anonimous) 
   -. Site name (URL).
   -. Company name (URL owner)
3- The user has a login in (User and password) so the session must change variables.
   -. Group name (the one of the user)
   -. User name (user)
   -. Private site. So the system shows the tool bar of the system.

Untill then, thereīs no problem in the system, but hereīs where the problem starts.

PROBLEM (A)- The user opens a new browser in order to see the changes he has made to 
the contents. He navigates through the public site to look. When he does so as the 
system previously did recognize the URL in the first place will do again. Then all the 
variables will be reset to anonimous user and group. When the user comes back to the 
first browser to continue making changes finds one of the following:
   -. the system doesnīt permit him to continue and he has to log in again. (thats not 
   -. the system permit some of the changes as anonimous user so he will never find 
again the changes he made. (thats wrong)

PROBLEM (B)- The user opens a new browser with the URL of another company, 
concidentily that site is hosted in the system too, so the system makes the same as in 
PROBLEM (A) plus the user goes to heīs tools in the other company and starts making 
   -. the system doesnīt permit the access. (thats good but uncomfortable)
   -. the system permits changes because concidentily recognizes the group name. The 
user begin to see the wrong menu. (thatīs the worst of all, the user could make 
changes to sites that he doesnīt own)

PROBLEM (C)- The user opens many browsers of many companies hosted in the system. So 
the problems start to multiply. (very bad)

PROBLEM (D)- The user access another site thas also made in PHP with sessions. Some of 
the variables maybe reseted by the other site or the way around. (disconcerting).


PHP session start only once in the user machine. I havenīt found a way around. 
1- With the first browser that initiates it.
2- You can open an close browser windows and as long thereīs one browser open the 
session remains the same.
3- Many diferent applications can mix variables without knowing.
4- You need different applications to work together without making a mess complicating 
the integration process.


The problems could be solve 
1- if the PHP session could be started with unique PIN number on request.
2- if the session could be different from browser to browser.
3- if you could have different instances of the session.
4- if you could have different instances of the variables.
5- if you could start the variables with a unique vector variable or some thing like 


Well, as with any other, I need feedback on the problem in order to know what to do 
(if I havenīt discover the right PHP functions to do the job), or this is something 
the the comunity is working on.

Thanks in advance,


Zaaptar Chazzy
PHP Developer




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