BB>> but there is no way to make equivalent calls using call_user_func()
BB>> or call_user_func_array(). you can't use "parent::a_method",
BB>> array($this,'parent::a_method'), array(parent,"a_method"),
BB>> or array('parent',"a_method"). if you use the literal class name,
BB>>    call_user_func_array(array(get_parent_class($this),'a_method'), $args);
BB>> it doesn't fail, but it's as if you were making a static method call
BB>> from outside of an object context - $this is not defined.

I fear you lost me here. Is the "a_method" static method or not? If yes - 
why not pass $this? If not - why do you need $this?

I will look into your examples later and respond what I think.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] +972-3-6139665 ext.109

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