I am thinking about about documentation assistance for user
functions and for the documentation team.


At 10:41 19.11.2002, Wez Furlong wrote:
php.net/get_defined_functions and
php.net/get_class_methods not good enough for you? ;-)

What's the long term aim?


On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Marcus [iso-8859-1] Börger wrote:

> I have experimented with the code below.
> The main thing is to introduce a function that can return a list of
> all available functions (this is a first step to something bigger...).
> At this point i have three problems:
> 1) When i create a function it is shown in the result :-)
> 2) When i create a class it is shown twice (same goes with methods) :-(
> 3) When i look for internal classes there is the problem that the the
> function entries
> do not know there scope (class). In other words the connection between
> zend_class_entry.function_table ->> zend_function is a one way link
> because zend_function.scope==NULL :-((
> For the moment:
> I know that i can fetch the scop easily if it is missing by using
> apply_func_args_t type functions instead of apply_func_arg_t
> and passing the scope to add_function_info.
> But for me it seems to be a problem in the zend engine.
> Example 1:
> [marcus@zaphod php4-HEAD]$ php -r 'class zz_c { function zz_c()
> {echo"zz_inst\n";}; static function zz_sf() {};};$o=new
> zz_c();$l=function_list();sort($l);var_dump($l);' | grep zz
> zz_inst
> string(10) "class zz_c"
> string(10) "class zz_c"
> string(18) "static zz_c::zz_sf"
> string(18) "static zz_c::zz_sf"
> string(2) "zz"
> string(10) "zz_c::zz_c"
> string(10) "zz_c::zz_c"
> Example 2: searching for methods of class defined in ext/xslt
> [marcus@zaphod php4-HEAD]$ php -r 'var_dump(function_list());' | grep domnode
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> string(7) "domnode"
> /* {{{ add_function_info */
> static int add_function_info(zend_function *func, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC)
> {
> char *f;
> if (func->internal_function.handler !=
> zif_display_disabled_function) {
> /* ?? internal_function->type = ZEND_INTERNAL_FUNCTION; */
> if (func->common.scope) {
> if (func->common.is_static) {
> spprintf(&f, 0, "static %s::%s",
> func->common.scope->name, func->common.function_name);
> } else {
> spprintf(&f, 0, "%s::%s",
> func->common.scope->name, func->common.function_name);
> }
> } else {
> f = estrdup(func->common.function_name);
> }
> add_next_index_string(return_value, f, 0);
> }
> return 0;
> }
> /* }}} */
> /* {{{ add_class_info */
> static int add_class_info(zend_class_entry **zclass, zval *return_value
> {
> char *f;
> spprintf(&f, 0, "class %s", (*zclass)->name);
> add_next_index_string(return_value, f, 0);
> zend_hash_apply_with_argument(&(*zclass)->function_table,
> (apply_func_arg_t)add_function_info, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
> return 0;
> }
> /* }}} */
> /* {{{ proto array function_list()
> Returns an array of all php functions */
> PHP_FUNCTION(function_list)
> {
> if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) {
> }
> if (array_init(return_value) == FAILURE) {
> php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_ERROR, "Unable to
> initialize array");
> }
> zend_hash_apply_with_argument(EG(function_table),
> (apply_func_arg_t)add_function_info, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
> zend_hash_apply_with_argument(EG(class_table),
> (apply_func_arg_t)add_class_info, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
> }
> /* }}} */
> ------------------->>> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <<<------------------
> "We are animals among animals, all children of matter,
> save that we are the more disarmed. But since, unlike animals,
> we know that we must die, let us prepare for that moment
> by enjoying the life that has been given us by chance and for chance."
> Umberto Eco, The island of the day before
> --------------------->>> http://marcus-boerger.de <<<---------------------

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