Added final now:

So we have:
abstract [static] function '(' parameters ')' ';'
[ final ] [ static ] function '(' parameters ')' '{' code '}'

There is a check that you cannot overwrite a final function of cause
and i also added a check that you cannot redeclare a function abstract.
See test files on this.


At 16:55 19.11.2002, Marcus Börger wrote:
The link below contain a patch that allows abstract functions in ZE2.

abstract [static] function '(' parameters ')' ';'

it would be possible to make the ';' optional.

When an abstract method is called a fatal error is generated and
execution stops. Another way of handling abstract would be to
generate an E_WARNING or throw an exception. I experimented
with the second one already but do not like it. I favor the first
over the third but haven't tried that yet.

The thinks i did:
introduce T_ABSTRACT = "abstract" and modified the parser.
added is_abstract after is_static in zend_function (and such)
emit an E_ERROR when is_abstract is set in zend_init_static_method_call_handler & zend_init_method_call_handler


------------------->>> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <<<------------------
"We are animals among animals, all children of matter,
save that we are the more disarmed. But since, unlike animals,
we know that we must die, let us prepare for that moment
by enjoying the life that has been given us by chance and for chance."
Umberto Eco, The island of the day before
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