At 13:27 21.11.2002, John Coggeshall wrote:

>First of all i like the way you did it.
>But why do you cut the errors by using snprintf with maximum
>length set to ERRORURL_BUF_LEN. Instead you can simply use
>spprintf and we would get the whole message. I guess you did
>it because you created a GET solution?

Well, I guess it could be implemented with spprintf -- However
For the use I really didn't see the need to use it. The only
Real "variables" in the string length are the filename/path and
The error-message.. These are of pretty finite length so I figured
A few kilobytes statically wouldn't hurt anyone and makes it
That much more efficient.

The problem i saw was that the errormessage itself can't be determined
in its length and that you cannot use unlimited length in GET.

Besides you used '&' instead or arg_separator_output.


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