>I'm conflicted on this one.  On the one hand you've got PHP 
>somewhat at fault for treating letters as special characters 
>(such that 'Z'+1 == 'AA') rather than as their ordinal 
>equivalents (such that 'Z'+1 == ord('Z')+1 == 91 == ord('[') 
>== '[' ) which IMO is an ugly thing.

I personally like the C-consistency here, at least on this issue.

>On the other hand, while it's inconsistent with C, it's 
>perfectly in line with Perl and it's a performance trend which 
>is presumably being relied upon by some.  I can certainly see 
>where such behavior (heretofore unexpected by me) would come 
>in handy in fact.

Where possibly would this behavior of 'Z'+1 = 'AA' be useful?

>Against my better judgement, I'm voting to leave the 
>interpreter as is and make notes in the documentation to 
>clarify behavior.

Given the choice, I'm personally for having single-characters treated as
ordinals when appropiate.



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